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Dr Constance Finney
Associate Professor
Constance founded the lab in 2013. Her background is in infectious disease immunology and her lab now focuses on the host-parasite interface, looking at the host and the parasite.
Shashini Perera
Phd Student
Shashini joined the lab in 2022. She's discovered the wonders of microscopy! Her projects focus on the role of eosinophils during intestinal parasitic infections.
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Dr Aralia Leon Coria
Research Associate

Aralia joined the lab in 2019. She is the queen of optimization for RNA/DNA isolations. Her projects focus on parasite biology and drug discovery. 
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Naomi Chege
MSc Student
Naomi joined the lab in 2023. Intestinal stem cells are her passion. Her projects focus on the role of these cells during intestinal parasitic infections.
David Cruces Gonzalez
MSc Student
David joined the lab in 2023. He knows more than he ever wanted to know on intestinal worm morphology! His projects focus on understanding cell types and functions in parasitic worms.
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